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TOP TEN LISTS (As presented by Andy and Larry during the 20-Year Reunion Program):

Andy - "Here's tonight's first Top Ten List..."

Here are the Top Ten Reasons To Attend Your 20-Year Class Reunion:

#10)  So you have had a reason to workout for the last two days!

#9)   See that all the people who you thought were nerds, are actually way cooler, better looking, and make all the dough..

#8)   So you can confirm that Howty has not aged one day since graduation


#7)   So you can get all liquored up and exaggerate how important you are!

#6)  You get to tell the same story over and over again about where you live, how many kids you have, and what you do for a living...

#5) You get to ride on that float tomorrow

#4) You get to remind yourself why you only see these folks every ten years

#3) You get to see a special hot swimsuit photo at the end of the program

#2) You can watch Larry and Andy make asses out of themselves

And the Number One Reason to attend your 20-Year Reunion…..

#1)  You get to see Chuck Halsted in his speedo swimsuit!!


Larry - "Here’s our second Top Ten List….."

Here are the Top Ten Giveaways that you grew up in Two Harbors:

#10) You think 80 degrees outside is too hot

#9)  You insist that the proper pronunciation of the word sauna is “SOW-NA”

#8)  You think deer hunting season is a national holiday

#7)  “Vacation” means going to Valleyfair

#6)  On more than one occasion you have explained to a tourist that the big building up the hill IS NOT a prison.

#5)  When giving directions, you always start by saying, “Yeah, ya wanna head north on the state road…”

#4)  You had Curling and Cross Country Skiing during 10th grade phy ed class from a guy named Bear

#3)  You have no idea why anyone would need to have a water softener or an air conditioner in their home

#2)  You still have scars from sliding down Suicide Hill

And the Number One Giveaway that you grew up in Two Harbors:

#1)  Most of your dates consisted of going to The Place or The Sidetrack followed by beating endless loops through town


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